DUI Motorcycle Accidents: The Dangers of Drunk Driving By Matt Quick on January 08, 2018

Aftermath of a motorcycle accidentThe lawyers of Quick Law Group, PLLC believe in helping the people of Kirkland, WA following serious accidents. Collisions of all kinds can result in catastrophic injuries and even death. These can be costly and devastating for many reasons, which is why it’s important that people consider legal action against the negligent or reckless driver who caused he crash.

Many catastrophic car and motorcycle accidents are caused by drunk drivers. We would like to consider the dangers of drunk driving for motorcyclists, and what legal options are available in these kinds of cases.

Statistics on Drunk Driving Accidents

According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association (NHTSA), alcohol-imparted driving accidents resulted in 10,497 fatalities in 2016. That accounted for 28 percent of all traffic accident fatalities that year. Of these fatalities, 1,233 were children who age 14 or younger. Given these 2016 statistics, that means roughly 29 people died each day from an alcohol-related crash. That's 1 fatality every 50 minutes.

Numbers from earlier NHTSA statistics found that 30 percent of fatal motorcycle collision involved a driver who had a BAC above the legal limit; 45 percent of all fatal motorcycle collisions involved some trace of alcohol in a driver’s system.

Dangers to Motorcyclists

Driving drunk is always deadly and a foolish thing to do. With motorcyclists, the dangers are much greater. It takes balance and great coordination to maintain control of a motorcycle. Impaired motor skills and poor decision-making skills can cause a motorcyclist to be reckless. Drunk driving can make speeding and other risky behaviors more likely as well.

Drunk Drivers Striking Motorcyclists

In some cases, it’s not the motorcyclist who is driving while impaired. In such instances, drunk drivers may collide with motorcyclists or cause grievous bodily harm to them while on the road. Drunk drivers are less attentive of their surroundings, and are more likely to collide with nearby motorists, run red lights, and engage in reckless or aggressive driving.

Injuries Sustained During Drunk Driving Accidents

Given the grim statistics noted above, the kinds of injuries that may be sustained as a result of a drunk driving collision can be catastrophic, even fatal. Severe head trauma and brain damage may be sustained during a crash. Additionally, injuries to the spine or neck can leave an accident victim partially or totally paralyzed.

Even with a helmet and proper riding gear, broken bones, lacerations, internal organ damage, and disfigurement are all possible in these kinds of crashes.

Seeking Legal Action Against Drunk Drivers

Drunk driving should never be tolerated, which is why accident victims or their surviving loved ones should consider legal action against the driver who was impaired while operating their vehicle.

Personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits can seek damages to cover medical and/or funerary expenses related to the collision. Additionally, damages can also cover lost wages, emotional pain and suffering, and other kinds of harm and material loss that were caused by the collision.

How a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help

By working with an attorney in your drunk driving case, you’ll receive the expert counsel you need to pursue justice. We’ll be here with strong legal guidance and advice every step of the way.

Learn More About Your Legal Options

For more information about your legal rights and options following a motorcycle accident, be sure to contact an experienced team of injury accident attorneys. The lawyers of Quick Law Group, PLLC are here to help you in your time of legal need.

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Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

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