Sudden Stops Can Cause Auto Accidents By Matt Quick on July 17, 2018

Aftermath of a car accidentWhenever a vehicle comes to a stop, it needs to do so in a way that allows others to stop safely. That means braking softly at first, with a enough distance and time to bring the vehicle to an easy full stop. That doesn’t always happen, however. When sudden stops do occur, they can lead to rear end car accidents and serious injuries.

The attorneys at Quick Law Group, PLLC have helped numerous clients in Kirkland and Seattle, WA who’ve been injured in these kinds of collisions. Let’s consider why they happen and what you can do to keep safe on the road.

Reasons for Sudden Stops on the Road

Some common reasons why vehicles come to abrupt stops may include the following:

  • Debris in the road
  • Driver distractions
  • Accident occurs ahead of a vehicle
  • Object darts across the road
  • Reaction to another vehicle suddenly stopping
  • Failure to notice traffic sign or signal

Risk of Rear End Auto Accidents

Whenever there is a limited amount of time to come to a complete stop, there is a higher risk of a rear end collision. These kinds of crashes can lead to serious neck injuries and other kinds of trauma. Multiple vehicles could collide with one another depending on just how abrupt the stop was.

Risk of Accidents Involving Other Vehicles

To avoid a rear end collision, sometimes a vehicle swerves into another lane. Unfortunately, this leads to other dangers and hazards. Side collisions could occur if another vehicle is nearby. Worse, a swerving vehicle may be clipped from behind by the vehicle in the adjacent lane, resulting a loss of vehicle control.

Avoid Distractions to Prevent Sudden Stops

Since some sudden stop collisions are the result of driver distraction, one of the best things you can do to stay safe is avoid any activities that would result diverting your attention from the road. You’ll be able to notice dangers ahead of you and react quickly and properly.

That means no texting or cellphone use while driving, no grooming behind the wheel, and always paying attention to vehicles ahead of you and around you.

Dangers When People Are Tailgating

Tailgating is also a major reason why these kinds of accidents occur. If you are following too close behind another vehicle, you give yourself very little time to stop safely and avoid a rear end collision. Always give the vehicle ahead of you ample room. Proper space can prevent serious collisions and injuries from occurring.

Who Is Legally Liable in These Kinds of Accidents?

Determining legal liability in cases like can be difficult. Sometimes the driver who came to an abrupt stop is at fault given the circumstances of the situation, while other times the driver behind them may be at fault due to tailgating or reckless behaviors behind the wheel. If you have been involved in a collision that was the result of an abrupt stop, we can discuss the incident with you and determine if you have a personal injury case.

Contact Our Auto Accident Lawyers

For more information about what you can do following a motor vehicle collision, be sure to contact the accident attorneys of Quick Law Group, PLLC. Our lawyers will fight diligently for you and your legal rights.

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Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

Quick Law Group, PLLC

At Quick Law Group, PLLC, our clients are given straightforward, candid advice about their legal situation, and they are always treated with respect as they deal with the legal and medical issues that result from an accident. Our accolades include:

  • Being named among the 20 Best Car Accident Attorneys in Bellevue
  • Being named a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • Having a 10.0 rating by Avvo

Contact us online or call us at (425) 576-8150 to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer. If we take your case, we will fight to collect maximum compensation for your injuries.

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