Personal Injury Cases and Paraplegia By Matt Quick on August 17, 2018

A person in a wheelchairParaplegia refers to the loss of use and sensation of the lower extremities. This occurs when the spinal cord is severely injured around the middle portion of the spine or lower. People who become paraplegic will be restricted to a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. There is no known cure for paraplegia, though there are plenty of ways for paraplegics to adapt to their circumstances and still lead fulfilling lives.

The lawyers at our firm have helped a number of people in the Kirkland and Seattle, WA area who have suffered a spinal cord injury. Let’s take a moment to consider the causes of paraplegia and the challenges that spinal cord injury survivors face.

Causes of Paraplegia

There are a few common causes of spinal cord injuries in general that can lead to paraplegia:

  • Auto Accidents - Crashes with other vehicles can lead to any number of injuries, which includes severe damage to the spinal cord.
  • Falls - A fall from a high ledge can result in catastrophic injuries. In addition to broken bones and other kinds of trauma, spinal cord injuries may occur as well.
  • Sports Injuries - People who participate in contact sports and combat sports run a risk of spinal cord injuries whether in training or during actual competition.
  • Physical Violence - Assaults, gunshot wounds, and other kinds of physical altercations can lead to terrible spinal cord injuries among other kinds of harm.

Adapting to Life After Your Injury

Many paraplegics undergo a period of time during which they must alter their lives and adapt to their injuries. Life in a wheelchair can pose a number of challenges, especially when it comes to accessibility. A person’s home may need to be altered to accommodate a wheelchair, or a person may consider moving into a place that is wheelchair friendly.

Given the loss of use of the lower extremities, a number of paraplegics may need to change careers as a result of their accident. This could require going back to school or just starting all over again in a new line of work.

The Mental and Physical Toll of These Injuries

It’s no surprise that spinal cord injuries can lead to a number of challenges with regard to physical health and overall mental health.

Even though you have lost the use of your legs, paraplegics may undergo physical therapy in order to help address their general wellness. Physical therapists can also discuss exercises and stretches that help paraplegics adapt to their life in a wheelchair and all that this entails.

These changes to your life and livelihood can result in bouts of depression and other mental health challenges. Speaking with a therapist on a regular basis can help paraplegics find an outlet for their feelings, and consider new ways of thinking about their situation. This can be a major part of adapting, healing, and moving forward with life.

How Our Attorneys Can Help You

If you have been injured as a result of another person or party’s negligence, our attorneys can help hold those people accountable for their actions. We will help you seek damages for medical expenses, lost wages, emotional pain and suffering, and other losses associated with your injury.

Having a skilled attorney on your side can make the legal process easier to face, providing strength and peace of mind as you focus on your future.

Learn More About Your Legal Rights

For more information about your legal rights and options following a catastrophic injury, we encourage you to contact our team of lawyers. We will help you make smart choices regarding your legal options, and help you during this lengthy and often fraught process.

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Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

Quick Law Group, PLLC

At Quick Law Group, PLLC, our clients are given straightforward, candid advice about their legal situation, and they are always treated with respect as they deal with the legal and medical issues that result from an accident. Our accolades include:

  • Being named among the 20 Best Car Accident Attorneys in Bellevue
  • Being named a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • Having a 10.0 rating by Avvo

Contact us online or call us at (425) 576-8150 to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer. If we take your case, we will fight to collect maximum compensation for your injuries.

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