Medical Malpractice and Delayed C-section By Matt Quick on November 02, 2019

Newborn baby in an incubatorWhen births become difficult, performing a Cesarean delivery/C-section is the best option to protect the baby as well as the mother. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 32 percent of all births each year are via C-section. As common as this procedure is, there are times when performing a C-section is delayed, which can literally be a matter of life and death. Situations like this are when people in Kirkland, Redmond, and Bellevue, WA should speak to a medical malpractice lawyer.

The team at Quick Law Group, PLLC would like to delve into issues surrounding delayed C-sections. Attorneys Elizabeth M. Quick and Matthew Quick can discuss your case with you in greater detail during an in-person legal consultation.

How Long Does It Take to Perform a C-Section

A C-section usually takes about 30 minutes to perform. That covers the span of time when it becomes apparent that a C-section is necessary to the completion of the procedure. Doctors in a delivery room can work quickly to ensure a baby’s life or a mother’s life are protected should a C-section become necessary.

Reasons That C-Sections Are Performed

There are several reasons why C-sections may be done. The most common include:

  • Difficult Birth - If a woman has spent hours in the delivery room and hasn't made progress, it is typically a good idea to perform a C-section. This protects the health of the mother and her child.
  • Fetal Distress - Fetal distress refers to situations in which a baby’s heart rate drops during delivery. It is essential that a C-section be performed as soon as possible in order to prevent serious harm to the baby and to address the cause or causes of fetal distress.
  • Placenta Previa - In some deliveries, the placenta is low in the uterus, which can block the birth canal and prevent a child from emerging. In order to bypass the blockage and ensure a problem-free birth, a C-section should be performed.
  • Umbilical Cord Prolapse - In some deliveries, the umbilical cord leaves the birth canal before a baby does. When this happens, it can result in oxygen deprivation to the child. A C-section can be performed to prevent the hazards of oxygen deprivation at birth.
  • Uterine Rupture - During some difficult births, it is possible for a mother’s uterus to tear. Performing a C-section once this happens will allow doctors to address this health issue for the mother while making sure the baby is safe.

Dangers of Delayed C-Sections to Mothers

As you can see in the above situations, delaying a C-section can put a mother’s life at risk. Blood loss, exhaustion, and other health issues need to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further health problems.

Dangers of Delayed C-Sections to Newborns

The life of a newborn may be in the balance if a C-section is delayed. Even if a baby survives a delayed C-section, that newborn could face a number of developmental problems as a result of the delayed procedure.

Lawsuits Over Negligence in the Delivery Room

Our attorneys will make sure delivery room doctors are held accountable for their negligence. Damages sought will help cover the cost of further medical expenses, the long-term repercussions of the delayed C-section, and the pain and suffering caused by the ordeal. Our law firm will stand with you.

Speak with Medical Malpractice Attorneys

For more information about legal options following medical mistakes, be sure to contact our team of medical malpractice attorneys. The Quick Law Group, PLLC team is here to help. You can reach our law office in Kirkland by calling (425) 576-8150.

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