Motorcycle Accidents and Bad Road Conditions By Matt Quick on February 17, 2020

A motorcyclist driving down the roadRiding a motorcycle is thrilling, but it can also be dangerous. A motorcyclist doesn’t have as much protection from nearby vehicles or the elements. Even a relatively minor collision can lead to serious harm. If another person or party is responsible for your crash, it’s crucial that you speak with a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer about your case. Bellevue, WA attorneys Elizabeth M. Quick and Matthew Quick are here to help.

While mechanical errors, vehicle design defects, and drunk driving can all contribute to crashes, sometimes bad road conditions are all that’s necessary to cause a motorcycle crash. Let’s consider these hazards below.

The Dangers of Bad Road Conditions

Traction and control are essential for driving a motorcycle safely. Issues with a road could make operating a motorcycle or any other vehicle extremely difficult. While years of experience on a motorcycle can help you avoid crashes, even that is no surefire safeguard against the problems posed by bad road conditions.

Types of Bad Road Conditions

Some common examples of bad road conditions include:

  • Poorly lit roads
  • Debris in the road (e.g., items dropped from trucks, fallen tree limbs, animal carcasses)
  • Lack of street signs
  • Lack of warning signs
  • Lack of guard rails or medians
  • Sharp turns
  • Bad road maintenance (e.g., pot holes, loose gravel)
  • Trees and foliage blocking signs and light sources

The reasons for these bad road conditions are plentiful, and can range from mere chance to long-term neglect by those in charge of the roadway and by the local government.

Weather Can Exacerbate Already Poor Road Conditions

Keep in mind that poor weather can greatly exacerbate the dangers of existing road conditions. If there is rain here in Bellevue, for example, streets are slick and motorcyclists run a greater risk of losing control or skidding. Fog can reduce visibility, turning an already hazardous stretch of road into a potentially deadly one.

Be sure to exercise caution wherever you’re on your motorcycle, and to be mindful of your surroundings as well as the weather while you drive.

Who Is Liable for Collisions and Crashes from Road Conditions?

This can vary.

In cases of poorly designed roads or roadways that have not be properly cared for, the local municipality may be to blame. Had they properly cared for the roads and cleared away hazards, an accident could have been prevented. Similarly, the local municipality could block off sections of the road that they know if to be dangerous, diverting vehicles to much safer routes while fixes are made.

Taking local road authorities to task can be intimidating, which is why it’s important to have a skilled lawyer on your side.

Our Attorneys Are Here to Help

Given the nature of road condition accidents, it’s important that motorcyclists speak with skilled auto accident lawyers about their case. An auto collision attorney can go over the evidence of the accident and determine if there is a lawsuit that is worth pursuing.

We can hold negligent parties accountable for their inaction, and help seek a settlement to cover injuries, property damage, and other losses. If a settlement cannot be reached, we will not hesitate to take your case all the way to trial.

Contact Quick Law Group, PLLC

If you live in the Bellevue area and would like more information about motor vehicle crashes, be sure to contact a skilled auto accident lawyer. Quick Law Group, PLLC can be reached by phone at (425) 576-8150. Our attorneys are here to help.

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Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

Quick Law Group, PLLC

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  • Being named among the 20 Best Car Accident Attorneys in Bellevue
  • Being named a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • Having a 10.0 rating by Avvo

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