Mature man with glasses holding head in pain

Brain Injury Lawyers Serving Seattle

Brain damage can have serious physical, mental, and financial repercussions that alter the trajectory of your life. If you weren't responsible for your injuries, you shouldn't have to pay the price for them. The brain injury lawyers at Quick Law Group, PLLC, serving Seattle, WA, can help you secure compensation, even if it means going to trial.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Some of the most common traumatic brain injuries that people experience are:


The most common type of traumatic brain injury, concussions occur when there is a blow to the head or body, or from whiplash-like injuries. The force causes the brain to shake within the skull.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

When a person suffers numerous concussions or head traumas, they could develop this degenerative brain condition.

Diffuse Axonal Injury

If the brain moves in the skull, the movement can tear the axons (long nerve fibers), resulting in a coma or vegetative state.


Brain contusions occur when the brain strikes the inside of the skull and bruises.

Penetrating Head Injury

A penetrating head injury breaches the skull and results in brain damage.

Symptoms of a Brain Injury

Brain injuries can have short- and long-term physical, behavioral, and cognitive effects. They are classified as mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the location and extent of the injury. Symptoms and outcomes for each classification include:


Woman holding head with a headache
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Brief loss of consciousness


Fatigued truck driver
  • Fatigue
  • Seizures
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Loss of coordination
  • Loss of consciousness for 1-12 hours


Mature husband holding unconscious wife's hand
  • Unusual behavior
  • Convulsions
  • Coma
  • Death
  • Loss of consciousness for 24 hours or more

The Danger of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can have immediately noticeable symptoms, like dizziness, confusion, and nausea. However, brain injuries are dangerous because they can also have secondary injuries that slowly arise after the initial trauma, like internal bleeding. If you've suffered a brain injury, be sure to seek medical help right away. Then, contact an attorney.

Restore a Sense of Normalcy Contact Our Seattle Brain Injury Lawyers Today

Our team of traumatic brain injury lawyers can help determine how much money you'll need to live the rest of your life comfortably. We can then fight for you to receive full, not partial, compensation. We have a track record of going after every penny our clients deserve—we won't settle for less.

See how our TBI attorneys can restore a sense of normalcy to your life. Send us a message or call our Bellevue personal injury office serving Seattle today:

(425) 576-8150

Counsel You Can Count On

"I called the Quick Law Group on the suggestion of a friend after I couldn't get anywhere with the insurance company of the man that rear-ended me. I was still suffering years after the accident... I am so glad I chose Quick Law Group. Matt and Liz walked me through everything. Answered all of my questions, and I felt such confidence in them after just the consultation. I would recommend them to anyone." Mama Berg
Mature couple looking over medical compensation

What Compensation for TBI Can Cover

Our lawyers can help you recover compensation for:

  • Past or future medical bills
  • Rehabilitation
  • Psychological care
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Maintaining your quality of life

You Have 3 Years to File

Washington State has a statute of limitations of three years for personal injury and wrongful death cases. Waiting too long to contact a personal injury lawyer could result in your case being rejected and you missing out on much-needed compensation.

Put a Brain Injury Attorney in Your Corner Contact Quick Law Group, PLLC, Serving Seattle, WA

Brain injuries can change your life forever by inhibiting your ability to work, requiring you to have round-the-clock care, and saddling you with expensive bills for medical treatment and rehabilitation. You shouldn't be responsible for these expenses.

The Seattle brain injury lawyers at Quick Law Group, PLLC, can help determine who should be held responsible for your TBI. To get started, request a free consultation with our form or call our Bellevue personal injury attorney office serving Seattle and all of Washington State:

(425) 576-8150

In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, one of the most important things you can do is put a lawyer on your side. Our attorneys serving Seattle can calculate how much compensation will be needed to rebuild your life, keep you financially stable, and maintain the best possible quality of life. 

Knowing if You Have a Brain Injury Case

Brain injury victims have a case if three criteria are met:

If you've suffered a traumatic brain injury in the state of Washington, you have three years to file a personal injury claim.
If you've suffered a traumatic brain injury in the state of Washington, you have three years to file a personal injury claim.

There Was a Breach of Duty

If someone (employer, property owner, etc.) acted outside of the reasonable care that was expected of them, you may have a case.

You Can Link Their Actions to Your TBI

Your traumatic brain injury lawyer must be able to prove that the defendant acted negligently, maliciously, or recklessly. Their actions must also be the direct cause of your brain injury.

You Have Quantifiable Damages

Our TBI lawyers will have to prove that your head injury resulted in expenses like medical bills, lost wages, and more.

The 5 Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury

Mature man who fell on the floor


Young children and adults aged 65 and older are most prone to falls, but uneven sidewalks, wet floors, and workplace ladders and scaffolding can result in a brain injury from a fall for people of any age. Our brain injury lawyers can file a claim against employers, property owners, and other parties whose negligence resulted in your TBI.

American Football player's eyes being checked after an accident

Sports Injuries

Playing sports is risky as is, especially when the proper equipment isn't used and safety protocols aren't followed. Sports like football, wrestling, and skateboarding can result in injuries sustained from being struck by or against an object.

Young man holding head after a car accident

Car Accidents

Car accidents, pedestrian accidents, bike accidents, and other vehicular accidents are common causes of traumatic brain injuries. If your accident was caused due to a reckless or drunk driver, we could pursue a case against them and their insurance provider.

Crying woman holding her head


Domestic violence, shaken baby syndrome, and gunshot wounds to the head can result in abuse-related TBI. Our lawyers serving Seattle can help file a civil suit against the perpetrator so you can receive compensation for your physical and emotional damages.

Construction worker fallen on the floor holding head after an explosion


From workers injured by blasts in construction zones to members of the military experiencing injuries from roadside bombs, explosions can cause head injuries in certain kinds of professions. Our traumatic brain injury lawyers can explore avenues for you to receive the compensation you deserve.

Filing for Wrongful Death

If your loved one passed away due to brain damage sustained from an injury, their personal representative has three years to file a wrongful death claim on their behalf. Though nothing we do will bring your loved one back, seeking compensation from the negligent party responsible for their passing can help you move forward. You can ease the financial burden on your family and help prevent the situation that led to their death from happening again.

High Praise for Our Personal Injury Lawyers

"Liz Quick is a brilliant trial attorney. I was the plaintiff in my case and I remember sitting in that courtroom thinking “She is incredible!” She operated with such ease and such confidence in what she was doing that I just couldn’t be anything less than in total awe of her. She also was amazingly pleasant to just be around. When you are feeling as vulnerable as I felt during during the trial, having someone on your side like Liz meant so much." Deanna Z.
Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

Quick Law Group, PLLC

At Quick Law Group, PLLC, our clients are given straightforward, candid advice about their legal situation, and they are always treated with respect as they deal with the legal and medical issues that result from an accident. Our accolades include:

  • Being named among the 20 Best Car Accident Attorneys in Bellevue
  • Being named a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • Having a 10.0 rating by Avvo

Contact us online or call us at (425) 576-8150 to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer. If we take your case, we will fight to collect maximum compensation for your injuries.

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1621 114th Ave SE
Ste 228
Bellevue, WA 98004

Open Today 8:00am - 5:00pm

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