Birth Trauma Resulting in Baby's Death

In 2020, Elizabeth Quick obtained a settlement for the parents of a baby who suffered severe anoxic brain injury when cesarean section was delayed, despite numerous signs and symptoms of fetal distress, at Providence Hospital in Everett, Washington.  The case was defended hard by three Seattle medical malpractice defense firms and required extensive litigation for more than two years. Shortly before trial the hospital and the doctors' insurance company agreed to pay $2,750,000 to avoid a King County jury seeing the evidence and deciding the case. 

Mr. H v. Chiropractic Clinic

Verdict Against Chiropractors and Clinic for Failure to Refer for Brain Injury

Mr. H worked as a commercial oven hood cleaner.  While at work, he fell and struck his head, losing consciousness briefly. With headaches and neck pain, he began treatment with a chiropractor. He told the chiropractors about his fall, head injury, and loss of consciousness. 

Mr. H continued treatment with his chiropractors for another 6 months. During this treatment, he continued to attempt to work, but slowly declined physically and mentally.  Despite clear head trauma with loss of consciousness, a deteriorating neurological condition, and repeated requests to be referred to a specialist, the chiropractors chose not to refer him for diagnostic imaging (MRI) or to a medical doctor. He was trapped in the L&I system, unable to refer himself to a specialist.

The jury returned a verdict and found damages of $6.2 Million.

Six months after his injury, Mr. H finally underwent an MRI at the Department of Labor and Industries request. The MRI revealed that a large brain bleed (subdural hematoma) was the cause of his ongoing headaches, blackouts, double vision, cognitive deterioration, balance issues, and sleep disturbance. He underwent two craniotomy brain surgeries.  As a result of the delayed diagnosis and treatment, Mr. H suffered serious and permanent brain injury.  

For more than four years we made it clear Mr. H would settle the case for the insurance policy limits of just 2M.  Unfortunately, the chiropractors' insurance carrier was unwilling to pay the $2M policy limits that they had purchased to cover them and their clinic for malpractice. This made a trial necessary. The jury returned a verdict and found damages in excess of $6 million.

When the insurance company refused to pay the policy benefits its insureds paid for, the Quick | Law Group obtained an assignment of rights from the two chiropractors and sued their insurance company and won, forcing them to pay. 

Liz and Matt helped me when I was in a terrible car accident. They guided me through everything and worked so hard for over two years to get me a fair settlement. They are amazing! I highly recommend them. Ashton

Birth Trauma Resulting in Severe Developmental Disabilities

Elizabeth Quick and associated counsel obtained a 16 Million dollar settlement for a child who suffered anoxic brain injury during labor and delivery.  The baby suffered a prolonged lack of oxygen in utero when cesarean section was delayed.  The evidence established that it should have been apparent to the care team that the baby was unable to be delivered through the mother's narrow pelvis.  The case settled shortly before trial.

Pedestrian Run Down by Metro Bus in Crosswalk

Brad Fulton obtained a $3 million settlement for a man who suffered serious injuries when a Metro bus driver ran a red light during rush hour in downtown Seattle.  The man suffered multiple orthopedic injuries and a traumatic brain injury, requiring brain surgery and resulting in permanent harm to his vestibular/balance system.  Metro finally agreed to settle shortly before trial, recognizing the problems it faced due to on-board video evidence of the obvious intense pressure the driver was under to stay on schedule.  

Rear-end Crash Resulting in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The Quick | Law Group obtained a record setting settlement of 3 Million dollars for a man who suffered for years with severe nerve pain due to neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome.

Construction Worksite Electrocution

Brad Fulton and co-counsel obtained a $14 million settlement for a man who was electrocuted at work.  This husband and father in the prime of his life suffered serious burns and injuries, resulting in amputation of his arm, severe disfigurement, and lifelong pain.  The case was heavily litigated for years and settled shortly before trial.

Wrongful Death of Elderly Man Due to Failure to Recognize and Treat Sepsis

Liz Quick and the QLG team obtained an $850,000 settlement for a family who lost their husband, father and grandfather who was undergoing chemotherapy for a survivable cancer, when signs of sepsis were ignored.  The case was heavily defended for years before the hospital and physicians, including a radiation oncologist, emergency medicine doctor and hospitalist, agreed to settle shortly before trial. 

Doe v. Doe

Settlement for Retained Surgical Instrument

Elizabeth Quick obtained a substantial confidential settlement with a hospital for a surgeon leaving a surgical instrument in the client during surgery, which caused client severe pain and disability.  

Ms. N. v. Xu

 $974,000 Verdict for Balance Disorder Caused by Low-Speed Rear-end Crash

The driver's insurance company refused to pay his $100,000 liability insurance to Ms. N after he crashed into her while texting.  The QLG team gave the insurance company many opportunities during the several years leading up to trial to settle within their insured's policy limits.  A Snohomish County jury heard all the evidence and found Ms. N's damages were valued at nearly 10 times the policy limits.  The jury doesn't ever get to hear that the insurance company is pulling the defense strings and making the decisions about whether to settle for fair value or whether to go to trial.  In the end we were happy for Ms. N that members of her community decided the case.  The jurors told us after the trial they would have put more in the verdict if they had known there was an insurance company involved. They were concerned the young defendant would have his wages garnished, so held the verdict down.  What we could not tell the jury until after the verdict was that there was insurance involved and the insurance company would have to pay the full verdict, due to its refusal to pay the policy limits when it had the chance.  

Ms. Z and Ms. L v. Port of Seattle

$16 Million Whistleblower Verdict

Liz Quick teamed up with a colleague to obtain a $16 Million verdict for two women who were wrongfully terminated from their jobs at SeaTac Airport.  The women worked devotedly at their jobs to advance the restaurant and retail program at the airport.  But political aspirations and greed by people in positions of authority led to them being fired for not being willing to break the law by extending valuable lease deals to a Port Commissioner's favorite large campaign donors.  Liz Quick believed in her clients' rights to stand up and speak truth to power.  She and the trial team told their story to a King County jury--real people who represent our community's voice--and who's power through our civil justice system prevailed.    

Doe v. Doe

$3.8 Million Settlement for Spine Injury Resulting in Drop Foot

Matt and Liz Quick obtained justice in a settlement for a man who was injured on the property of another in a snowmobile/sledding accident.  The property owner allowed the activity too close to large bumps on a motor cross course which resulted in the client being pulled off the side of a jump while seated in a cross-legged position. The blunt landing fractured his lower spine, requiring surgery to implant substantial hardware and resulting in permanent loss of function. The insurance company agreed to attend mediation with the Quick | Law Group and ultimately decided to offer the policy limits that the property owner paid for to protect himself from liability and personal exposure to his own assets.  The parties reached an amicable settlement and the client received fair and reasonable compensation without the need for a trial of the matter.

Mr. J v. ABC Glass, Inc.

Settlement for Injury Caused by Defective Glass Vase

Liz and Matt Quick obtained a settlement of $175,000 for injuries to a man's finger caused when a vase collapsed in his hands.  The case required extensive litigation in both tribal and superior court before the vase manufacturer's insurance company was willing to make a reasonable settlement offer on the claim.

Doe v. Doe

Settlement for Severe Burns from Firework

Liz Quick obtained a $500,000 settlement for a four-year-old girl who suffered serious burns when a firework exploded under her lawn chair.  

Doe v. Doe

Settlement against a Landlord for Lead Poisoning of Child Tenant

Liz Quick obtained a substantial settlement for a child who ate lead paint chips found in the house she lived in.  She suffered serious developmental harm. 

Liz and her team worked tirelessly to win a great jury verdict for me! ...when the insurance company would not pay what they should have, she and her team fought hard at a jury trial and got me a verdict that exceeded the insurance company's policy limits.  Thank you Liz for believing in my case! Rob

Doe v. Doe

Settlement for Wrongful Death of Patient during Clinical Study

Liz Quick obtained a substantial confidential settlement with an institution for serious mistakes made during their patient's care while involved in a clinical study, which led to his untimely death.

Mr. J. v. Stipe

Verdict for Injuries from Rear-End Collision

Liz Quick and Matt Quick obtained a verdict of $212,998 against a driver for negligence when his rental car company refused to pay for all the harm the client sustained in rear-end collision when the defendant driver was taking pictures of scenery while driving.  Avis Budget Group, the rental car company who handled the claim and hired the defense counsel, offered a small amount in settlement. Avis took the position that because there was minimal damage to the vehicles involved, there must have been minimal damage to the occupants.  The actual evidence showed how wrong this theory can be.  

Mr. B. v. Coleman

Verdict for Injuries from Rollover Collision

Liz Quick obtained a verdict of $265,000 against a driver for causing our client's spine injury when he chose to drive 50 to 80 mph in a 25 mph zone in the dark on a hilly road. When our client was unable to assess the defendant's speed, due to darkness and dips in the road, he pulled out in front of the defendant, resulting in a T-bone double rollover collision.  Mr. B lives with pain and limitations from damage to a tiny joint called the sacroiliac (SI) joint.  Because the damage to this joint is not visible on x-ray or MRI, the insurance company decided they would deny our client's injury was real.  12 people from the Snohomish county community saw all the evidence and said otherwise.

Contact Our Firm Today

For over 22 years, our team has helped clients in the Seattle, Bellevue/Eastside and Everett areas recover settlements and jury verdicts for their wrongful death and personal injury cases. Schedule your free case consultation by contacting us online or calling (425) 576-8150 today.

Brad Fulton, Liz Quick, and Matt Quick

Quick Law Group, PLLC

At Quick Law Group, PLLC, our clients are given straightforward, candid advice about their legal situation, and they are always treated with respect as they deal with the legal and medical issues that result from an accident. Our accolades include:

  • Being named among the 20 Best Car Accident Attorneys in Bellevue
  • Being named a Top 100 Lawyer by the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • Having a 10.0 rating by Avvo

Contact us online or call us at (425) 576-8150 to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer. If we take your case, we will fight to collect maximum compensation for your injuries.

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